Wednesday 2 October 2013

Hip-hop video review

Hip-hop video review

Hip hop presents a very rigid and narrow version of manhood - one that suggests that to be a "real man" you must be strong and tough, you must have a lot of women and money, you must always be in control, and you must always dominate women and other men.

If you do not live up to these ideals, you will be ridiculed for not being man enough. You will be called names like "soft, weak and wimp".
In the 2 videos they do support the statement and show that if you have the money and the muscles then the girls will swoon over you. It is saying that girls are only interested in money and looks and sends the message that you have to have those things to be successful and liked by people. The candy shop video is about a man who goes to a house with all these women who are sexually promiscuous and are attracted to him. He has expensive clothes and a expensive car. He is the only one there and it is a mansion. At the end it turns out he is dreaming and is in the drive through. This shows you that the video wants you to be like the rich and successful man and that everyone is dreaming about that. 
The second video is about a man who has lots of money and because of that everyone is around him and having a good time. It leads you to think that he can do anything and has a great time because he has lots of money. All the commotion is happening around him and is marking him as the heart of the party. 
I agree to the statement to a certain extent because many hip hop videos are about girls, money and looks. However many hip hop videos are about dancing and you are just stereotyping hip hop because the majority do that. the statement is saying all the negative things about hip hop. There are lots of examples of hip hop that are the complete opposite to what the statement states. Both of the videos supported the statement very well, more so the second one. I think the second video didn't show much of the men controlling the women and they were doing whatever they wanted. However in the first the women were doing what the man wanted without hesitation. 

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